Where We Go for Inspiration - Winter 2021
Wendy: "With Creative Re/Frame in Residence at the Build Lab I have been surrounded by so many fabulously interesting charged up and creative students who fill me with inspiration and energy every day. Helping six student founders get ready to tell their stories for IDEA CON 2021 has been a journey has been both exhausting and exhilarating."
Avital: "I’ve been really enjoying listening of all sorts -- podcasts, audio dramas, and chats with old friends (virtually) over cups of tea. This time of reflection has made me realize how many wonderful people there are with whom I’ve lost touch over the years, and has afforded me some time to rekindle those connections."
Alyssa: I've been doing a lot of home cooking. I make time in my day for it, whether it's as simple as meal-prepping my lunches for the workweek or something more complex (I've been really into perfecting my meringue cookies and nailing the consistency of homemade creme brulee lately). I'm finding the more I cook, the more I find ways to really take ownership of it: Eating a lot of pasta? Make the sauce from scratch. Maybe even make the pasta yourself! Grow your own tomatoes and garlic! Go WILD! I also give myself permission to gift myself with new tools and utensils when I can. A new cast iron pan, a flour sifter, new ramekins - it makes it easier to look forward to the process as much as the outcome. Now I'm working on applying this mindset to other areas of my life, from work to my personal creative projects: to be a present, involved, and generous participant in my own life."